You can help Kenyan girls fleeing FGM get an education

As schools reopen for the new academic year this month, we have good news to share with you from Kenya. With your support, our partner Tasaru Ntomonok Initiative (TNI) successfully enrolled thirty-two girls in school in August 2019. These girls had run away from their homes to save themselves from the harmful practice of female genital mutilation (FGM). TNI worked with their parents to ensure that the girls will be protected from FGM while at the same time trying to reconcile parent-daughter relationships. Since the parents could not afford to pay for school fees, TNI paid for their school fees, transportation and other preparation to help the girls get back to school.

Girls rescued from FGM by TNI walk to school on the first day of the current term, September 2019

Girls rescued from FGM by TNI walk to school on the first day
of the current term, September 2019

FGM is closely linked to child marriage. Often girls are removed from school to be subjected to FGM and then married off, which puts the breaks on their education and forever changes their future, depriving them of the opportunities an education would offer them.  Moreover, once subjected to FGM, girls suffer the damaging physical consequences for the rest of their lives.  Some girls even lose their lives as a result of bleeding or infection. TNI is saving lives and building better futures for girls by protecting them from FGM and enabling them to pursue an education.

Your support goes a long way in sending girls to school in Kenya. Please support TNI’s lifesaving work!

Yours sincerely,

Jessica Neuwirth

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