Where Donations Go

Raised in 2022
Of Donations Made to Partners is Regranted to Those Partners
Frontline Groups in 24 Countries Supported in 2022

When you make a donation designated to support one of Frontline Women's Fund’s front line partners, we re-grant 90% of your donation as an unrestricted general operating grant to that partner. Such grants, our partners tell us, are invaluable as they convey our trust in their judgment and allow them the freedom they rarely have to use the funds in the most strategic way as they determine. Often partners use our grants to respond to urgent and unexpected needs that arise on the ground, for which they would not otherwise have the funds to respond with immediately and effectively.

Each group supported by The Frontline Women's Fund is vetted in accordance with applicable U.S. laws, and provides annual reports and audited financial statements. The Sisterhood is Global Institute reserves the right to redirect funds in the event of changed circumstances involving compliance with standards of good governance or U.S. law.


Some noteworthy highlights from the work of partners in 2019-2020 include:

Responding to the impact of COVID-19 on women

Since the outbreak of the pandemic in March 2020 many of our front line activists from Afghanistan, DR Congo, El Salvador, Kenya, Nepal, Palestine, Peru, Somalia and South Africa took on the role of first responders, helping survivors of domestic violence during the pandemic, doing outreach and education to help stop community spread of the virus, distributing food and hygiene kits, assisting women in the sex trade, and raising awareness about the increase in gender-based violence and female genital mutilation (FGM) during the pandemic.

Justice for femicide victims in Peru

In February 2020, following three and a half years of relentless campaigning by Manuela Ramos and others the murder of Solsiret Rodriguez - who went missing in August 2016 - was resolved, her body found and her brother-in-law and his partner were arrested and charged for her murder.

Fighting to end honor-killing in Palestine

Women’s Centre for Legal Aid & Counselling led the campaign for justice in the case of Israa Ghrayeb, a 21-year old who was murdered in an “honor killing” near Bethlehem in August 2019. As a result of the public pressure generated by the campaign prosecutors charged three individuals in the case.

Victory for rape survivors in Nepal

The Forum for Women, Law and Development won the case of a 14-year old school girl who was first raped by a school worker in April 2019 and then by 2 other male students of the same school. FWLD also ensured that legal action was taken against the Principal and the Warden of the school.

Ending Female Genital Mutilation in Sierra Leone

In December 2019, Amazonian Initiative Movement, a grantee of the Efua Dorkenoo Fund to End Female Genital Mutilation organized a mass-based Alternative Rite of Passage ceremony for 100 girls who went through the Bondo ritual without the ritual genital cut.

Strengthening the voice of survivors of prostitution

In 2019 SPACE International organized two events in London and New York to highlight the voices of women of color who are survivors of the sex trade.

Goals for 2021

Frontline Women's Fund hopes to sustain and increase the support it has been able to provide front line partners in 2020. We will be adding two new front line partners: KAFA in Lebanon and ASOGEN in Guatemala.

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