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Women, Peace, and Security

The Fund for Women, Peace, and Security

In situations of armed conflict, rape and other forms of sexual violence are often used as a tactic of war and genocide. Women and girls in conflict are also at risk of forced pregnancies, forced sterilizations, and displacement. A disproportionately large burden of the care-giving work to rebuild communities falls upon them. Despite the grave impact of armed conflict on women’s lives and the crucial role they play in stabilizing communities under conflict, women have historically been sidelined from leadership roles in formal peace building processes around the world. Frontline Women's Fund supports the work of activist groups who work to protect women’s rights in armed conflict and enhance their role in peace building. The Fund for Women, Peace, and Security currently supports the work of 4 frontline women’s rights activist groups who work to protect women’s rights in armed conflict and enhance their role in peace building in Afghanistan, the DR Congo, Libya, and Syria.


of current war casualties are civilians, the majority of whom are women and children.


has historically been used as a weapon of war around the world and continues with impunity.


of peace negotiators from 1992 to 2018 were women, lessening the likelihood of peace agreements lasting more than 2 years.

Our Grantees

Get to know our hardworking grantees who are each working to promote peace and security. We proudly support these organizations and their missions.



Libyan Women’s Platform For Peace ensures that women remain a vital part of post-Gaddafi Libya, with an emphasis on women’s rights as related to women’s political and economic participation, constitutional reform, and education.


DR Congo

Synergie des Femmes pour les Victimes des Violences Sexuelles provides psycho-social, medical, and legal defense services to victims of sexual violence in North Kivu province, Democratic Republic of Congo.



The Syrian Women's Forum for Peace is a civilian organization that aims to activate Syrian and international public opinion to lobby decision makers to adopt peaceful political means to build a democratic state.

One of our grantees, based in Afghanistan, has been working tirelessly to provide clandestine classrooms for Afghan girls while they remain banned from attending school under Taliban rule. These schools are pivotal in combating oppression and fostering a chance for a brighter future for these brave girls and frontline activists. Due to the ongoing safety risks the grantee must remain anonymous, but you can support their work here.

Due to the challenging circumstances in many conflict-zone countries, in some cases, Frontline Women’s Fund is unable to send funds to those countries (e.g. for legal reasons). In such cases Frontline Women’s Fund supports women from these countries in travel and other activities outside the country to enable them to participate in peace processes at the United Nations and elsewhere.

"Those states that foster gender equality through laws and enforce those laws are less likely to go to war. They are less likely to use force first when in conflict. They are less likely to get involved in violent crises. Once again, a gender-neutral perspective leads you to focus on military might, whereas a gendered perspective highlights the importance of gender equality to facilitate state security."

| Valerie Hudson, Professor of Political Science, Texas A&M University

The Women's Forum on Afghanistan


We are proud to be supporting the Women’s Forum on Afghanistan, an initiative led by Afghan women and hosted by the Sisterhood is Global Institute. The Women's Forum on Afghanistan was formed after the Taliban takeover of Afghanistan, which has had a devastating impact on women's rights. It works to ensure the inclusion of Afghan women in the dialogue and decision-making of the international community on the future of Afghanistan.

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