Devastation in Beirut: Lebanese Women and Girls Urgently Need Your Support
Dear friends,
I am writing to ask you to urgently support the relief efforts of our longstanding partner, KAFA, a leading women’s rights organization in Lebanon. In the aftermath of the massive explosion that rocked Beirut on August 4, KAFA has been on the front lines tirelessly providing services and support to the women and families it serves. Over 130 people were killed and thousands were injured and left homeless in the blast. The devastation is compounded by Lebanon’s ongoing grave financial crisis and the COVID-19 pandemic.
As described by Ghada Jabbour, co-founder of KAFA, “The situation in Beirut is quite tragic. There’s a lot of sadness and anger. Many survivors of domestic violence, sexual exploitation, and domestic servitude that we help live in the area where the explosion happened. At KAFA we are now trying to reach them and offer support. There is a big need for food packages, cash assistance and shelter.”
Ghada Jabbour, co-founder of KAFA
Often international humanitarian responses are unable to reach or address the specific needs of women and children. Historically, front line women’s organizations like KAFA have the skill and presence within the community to ensure that the needs of women and children are met in times of such crisis. Homes have been destroyed, people wounded and the entire city left in turmoil. Your immediate support for KAFA will provide life-saving services to those in need.
Please help KAFA today – Donor Direct Action will re-grant 100% of the funds received to support KAFA’s work to help the victims of the explosion.
Jessica Neuwirth
P.S. Please help us spread the word by sharing this short video about KAFA’s work in your social media networks.