Sex, Race, Class & Prostitution
March 29, 2022 | Donor Direct Action
Dear friends,
Last week, the Coalition to Abolish Prostitution (CAP International) launched their ground-breaking report - Last Girl First! Prostitution at the intersection of sex, race and class-based oppressions - at an event co-sponsored by the Swedish and French governments. The report explored prostitution in its globality and is remarkable in its depth and analysis, bringing together the historical, political and social roots that have given rise to and fueled the commercial sexual exploitation of women and girls. Comprising 49 countries and highlighting the voices of hundreds of survivors, the report shows evidence that the overwhelming percentage of prostituted persons come from the world's most marginalized communities.
Here is a video introduction to the CAP International Report. If you would like to get a copy of the report, you can buy it here.
We are delighted to welcome CAP International as a Co-convenor of the Gloria Steinem Equality Fund to End Sex Trafficking, which is comprised of twelve survivor-led frontline grantees in eleven countries. We hope you will support the work of these fierce and courageous advocates in their efforts to end sex trafficking, and the commercial sexual exploitation of women and girls that drives this multi-billion dollar criminal industry.
Jessica Neuwirth