Emergency Relief for Earthquake Victims in Afghanistan

July 6,  2022 | Donor Direct Action

On June 22 Afghanistan was hit by its deadliest earthquake in decades. The devastation and destruction to the eastern region has been immense. With over a thousand people killed and still more injured, the toll is certain to rise as survivors struggle to find safe shelter, medical attention, and basic resources. Global health officials warn that due to a lack of clean water and food the impacted region is at high risk of a cholera outbreak.

The earthquake has shaken an already vulnerable Afghanistan, deep in the throes of a serious humanitarian crisis that has overwhelmed the country since the Taliban’s takeover. Relief efforts and humanitarian aid have been slow to reach the victims. During periods of emergency and natural disaster the most vulnerable victims are women and children. We are especially worried for the women in the region who have suffered serious injuries, but might not receive proper medical attention due to the gender apartheid imposed by the Taliban. With the absence of female doctors and limited medical aid, women and children may be prevented from accessing vital resources urgently needed.

Ahmad Sahel Arman/AFP
Ahmad Sahel Arman/AFP

HAWCA, a frontline Afghan women’s organization, is committed to addressing the urgent needs of women and children affected by the earthquake. They desperately need your help. 100% of your contribution will be regranted immediately to HAWCA for emergency relief for the victims of this natural disaster. You can make a greater impact by giving to a frontline Afghan organization on the ground who can work directly with those most in need.


Jessica Neuwirth

Help Protect Women
