Donor Direct Action’s New Website Launch

Donor Direct Action’s New Website Launch

Donor Direct Action's New Website Launch Dear friend, Today is Human Rights Day, and I want to invite you to celebrate it with me by exploring the new website of Donor Direct Action and learning more about this visionary organization that is working around the...
Donor Direct Action’s Official Launch

Donor Direct Action’s Official Launch

Donor Direct Action’s official launch, featuring Jane Fonda, Gloria Steinem, Lynn Nottage and Robin Morgan, took place on March 9th at the Ford Foundation in New York City, hosted by director Jessica Neuwirth, DDA’s steering committee members, and artists Kate Whoriskey and Daniel...
Dr. Denis Mukwege wins Nobel Peace Prize

Dr. Denis Mukwege wins Nobel Peace Prize

I am so delighted to share the news with you that Dr. Denis Mukwege, Medical Director of Panzi Hospital in the Congo, has won the Nobel Peace Prize, together with Nadia Murad, a Yazidi survivor/activist from Iraq.  Both of these newly awarded Nobel...

News & Stories

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The Galkayo Center International Women’s Day Narrative Report

Apr 11, 2014
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Read the Narrative Report

SFVS, Robin Wright Speaks About Battle Against Sexual Violence in DRC

Apr 8, 2014
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Robin Wright, Goodwill Ambassador for Synergie des Femmes contre les Violences Sexuelles, speaks about her battle against sexual violence in DRC.

Read the article in The Daily Beast.

March 2014 WCLAC News Bulletin

Apr 1, 2014
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Read the March 2014 issue

New York Times: Donor Direct Action in India

Mar 20, 2014
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Donor Direct Action (DDA) founder Jessica Neuwirth, Steering Committee Chair, Gloria Steinem, and a group of Donor Direct Action supporters joined Ruchira Gupta, the founder of DDA front-line organization Apne Aap to visit India to learn more about the work of Apne Ape…

Iluta Lace receives the 2014 Secretary of State’s International Women of Courage Award

Mar 5, 2014
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Congratulations to Iluta Lace, Director of the Marta Resource Center for Women, for the 2014 Secretary of State’s International Women of Courage Award. Iluta Lace has demonstrated exceptional courage in raising awareness and advocating for legal protections for victims of domestic violence and human trafficking. Under Iluta’s leadership, a dedicated team of staff and volunteers have provided thousands of hours of skills training, legal assistance, psychotherapy, and other services to help Latvian women and girls live lives free from violence, discrimination, and poverty.

Read the post on the U.S. Embassy website.

Dr. Mukwege Receives Advancing Women in Peace and Security Award at Georgetown University

Feb 27, 2014
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Dr. Denis Mukwege was honored by Hillary Clinton for his trailblazing leadership of Panzi Hospital and all he has done to help women in the DRC. Secretary Clinton presented him with the Advancing Women in Peace and Security Award at Georgetown University.

WCLAC Success Story

Feb 14, 2014
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Read this success story

SWFP Report on Objectives and Activities (2013-14)

Feb 14, 2014
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Read the report

The Pioneer article: Raise the Bar

Feb 13, 2014
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Energy and excitement around One Billion Rising – the growing global women’s movement.

Read the article in The Pioneer.

The Guardian article: Will Bonn deliver results for women in Afghanistan?

Feb 5, 2014
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“The biggest fear we have right now is reconcilliation with the Taliban,” says Ghaffar. “Will women play a role in these discussions? Will women’s rights be part of the negotiations?”

Read the article in The Guardian.

January 2014 WCLAC News Bulletin

Jan 30, 2014
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Read the January 2014 issue

The Telegraph article: Journey of discovery for donors

Jan 30, 2014
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Donor Direct Action founder Jessica Neuwirth and Gloria Steinem are in India this week with a group of Donor Direct Action supporters to learn more about the work of Apne Aap… Read the article in The Telegraph detailing their visit.