Donor Direct Action’s New Website Launch

Donor Direct Action’s New Website Launch

Donor Direct Action's New Website Launch Dear friend, Today is Human Rights Day, and I want to invite you to celebrate it with me by exploring the new website of Donor Direct Action and learning more about this visionary organization that is working around the...
Donor Direct Action’s Official Launch

Donor Direct Action’s Official Launch

Donor Direct Action’s official launch, featuring Jane Fonda, Gloria Steinem, Lynn Nottage and Robin Morgan, took place on March 9th at the Ford Foundation in New York City, hosted by director Jessica Neuwirth, DDA’s steering committee members, and artists Kate Whoriskey and Daniel...
Dr. Denis Mukwege wins Nobel Peace Prize

Dr. Denis Mukwege wins Nobel Peace Prize

I am so delighted to share the news with you that Dr. Denis Mukwege, Medical Director of Panzi Hospital in the Congo, has won the Nobel Peace Prize, together with Nadia Murad, a Yazidi survivor/activist from Iraq.  Both of these newly awarded Nobel...

News & Stories

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Justice for Phulmaya: gang rapists sentenced to 12 years

Jan 10, 2012
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On 9 January 2012, the final court hearing against a bus driver and other bus company employees charged with gang raping a young Buddhist nun (“Phulmaya”) in Nepal took place.

“Disappearing daughters” in India investigated

Dec 9, 2011
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Apne Aap founder Ruchira Gupta is interviewed about gendercide and other forms of discrimination against women and girls in India.

Dr. Denis Mukwege honored by Clinton Global Initiative

Sep 24, 2011
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Read the Huffington Post interview

Apne Aap founder discusses sex trafficking on ABC’s 20/20

Jul 16, 2011
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Ruchira Gupta describes the investigative journalism she did on the horrors of sex trafficking for her film, “The Selling of Innocents,” which led to the creation of Apne Aap.

SFVS Appeal for Dodd-Frank Act Implementation

Mar 10, 2011
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Justine Bihamba sent an urgent message to the U.S. Secretary of State, urging the implementation of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act.