Motherhood is Global
This Mother’s Day, we hope you will join us in celebrating mothers who have been holding everything together.
Sex, Race, Class & Prostitution
Last week, the Coalition to Abolish Prostitution (CAP International) launched their ground-breaking report – Last Girl First! Prostitution at the intersection of sex, race and class-based oppressions – at an event co-sponsored by the Swedish and French governments.
Emergency Fund for Ukrainian People in Need
On February 24th Russia began a full-scale military invasion of its neighboring country, Ukraine. Since then, we have seen daily images depicting the devastating cost of war. Many Ukrainians have fled their homes seeking refuge in nearby countries.
Meryl Streep on Donor Direct Action
“Strong, determined, and resilient” is how Meryl Streep describes Donor Direct Action. As 2021 comes to a close, amidst the great challenges we are all facing we find there is much to be thankful for.
Happy Holidays with Thanks!
Our 10th Anniversary year – 2021 – has been both challenging and rewarding. We are proud to report that as of December 2021, Donor Direct Action has re-granted over $5 million dollars to our partners and grantees!
Celebrate Human Right’s Day with Donor Direct Action
We hope you enjoy our celebration of Human Rights Day and the 10th anniversary of Donor Direct Action!
Women, Peace, and Security: Afghan Women Leaders
The crisis in Afghanistan has thrown a glaring spotlight on women, peace, and security. Women continue to remain sidelined in peace negotiations, and women’s issues are often ignored.
International Day of the Girl
As we celebrate this International Day of the Girl, we are painfully aware of the vulnerability of girls everywhere to child pregnancy. A 2019 study done in 12 Latin American countries revealed that more than 60,000 girls under the age of 14 became mothers.
A Year of Global Crisis: 2020 Annual Report
I am writing to share with you our 2020 Annual Report. 2020 was a calamitous year around the world, and COVID-19 has magnified the inequality that pervades our world order.
Honor Your Mother and Mothers Around the World
Every day we hear stories of the strength, ingenuity, and resilience of mothers all over the world. This Mother’s Day, we hope you will join us in celebrating mothers who have been holding everything together in a world struggling to survive the devastating impact of COVID-19.
Donor Direct Action’s New Website Launch
DDA’s official launch, featuring Jane Fonda, Gloria Steinem, Lynn Nottage and Robin Morgan, took place on March 9th at the Ford Foundation in NYC, hosted by director Jessica Neuwirth, DDA’s committee members, and artists Kate Whoriskey and Daniel Breaker.
Donor Direct Action’s 2019 Annual Report
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