Women, Peace, and Security
Unveiling Injustice: A Cry for Equality on Human Rights Day
Unveiling Injustice: A Cry for Equality on Human Rights Day On this Human Rights Day, we find ourselves at a pivotal juncture, faced with ever-mounting geopolitical crises and…
UNGA 78: #GlobalSolidarity with Afghan Women and Girls
On Tuesday, September 19th, the first day of the UN General Assembly’s High-Level Week, the Women’s Forum on Afghanistan (WFA) co-hosted a side event with the UN Missions of Ireland, Indonesia,…
Walk in Afghan Women’s Shoes
Our work with the Women’s Forum on Afghanistan reminds us everyday about our mission – to strengthen frontline women’s voices in the international arena.
Emergency Relief for Earthquake Victims in Afghanistan
On June 22 Afghanistan was hit by its deadliest earthquake in decades. The devastation and destruction to the eastern region has been immense.
International Women’s Day – A Call for Global Solidarity
Today, as we commemorate International Women’s Day, we are watching an unprovoked military invasion progress with news pouring in of death, destruction and a mounting humanitarian crisis in Ukraine.
Afghanistan Update 2
These past few weeks have brought a stream of increasingly alarming news from Afghanistan. We are continuing to watch developments closely and have been in touch with our partner whose staff remain in Kabul.
Afghanistan Update
These past few weeks have brought a stream of increasingly alarming news from Afghanistan. We are continuing to watch developments closely and have been in touch with our partner whose staff remain in Kabul.
Help Afghan Women
I am writing to you with urgency, sadness and deep concern about the situation of women and girls in Afghanistan. Please join me in an Emergency Response for Afghan Women.
Urgent Appeal: Crisis in Afghanistan
This is a critical and terrifying moment for women and girls in Afghanistan. It is with despair that we witness the Taliban’s determined grab for power. We all know that women and girls will bear the brunt of their cruelty.
Afghanistan shelter in crisis
I am writing to ask you to urgently support our partner in Afghanistan, the Humanitarian Assistance For Women and Children of Afghanistan (HAWCA).
Women find refuge from sexual violence
Thanks to generous donations from Donor Direct Action supporters, our partner Synergie des Femmes has opened a new women’s shelter in Goma, in the Democratic…