Donor Direct Action’s New Website Launch

Donor Direct Action’s New Website Launch

Donor Direct Action's New Website Launch Dear friend, Today is Human Rights Day, and I want to invite you to celebrate it with me by exploring the new website of Donor Direct Action and learning more about this visionary organization that is working around the...
Donor Direct Action’s Official Launch

Donor Direct Action’s Official Launch

Donor Direct Action’s official launch, featuring Jane Fonda, Gloria Steinem, Lynn Nottage and Robin Morgan, took place on March 9th at the Ford Foundation in New York City, hosted by director Jessica Neuwirth, DDA’s steering committee members, and artists Kate Whoriskey and Daniel...
Dr. Denis Mukwege wins Nobel Peace Prize

Dr. Denis Mukwege wins Nobel Peace Prize

I am so delighted to share the news with you that Dr. Denis Mukwege, Medical Director of Panzi Hospital in the Congo, has won the Nobel Peace Prize, together with Nadia Murad, a Yazidi survivor/activist from Iraq.  Both of these newly awarded Nobel...

News & Stories

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Afghanistan Update

Sep 15, 2021
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These past few weeks have brought a stream of increasingly alarming news from Afghanistan. We are continuing to watch developments closely and have been in touch with our partner whose staff remain in Kabul.

Help Afghan Women

Aug 18, 2021
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I am writing to you with urgency, sadness and deep concern about the situation of women and girls in Afghanistan. Please join me in an Emergency Response for Afghan Women.

A Year of Global Crisis: 2020 Annual Report

Aug 10, 2021

I am writing to share with you our 2020 Annual Report. 2020 was a calamitous year around the world, and COVID-19 has magnified the inequality that pervades our world order.

Urgent Appeal: Crisis in Afghanistan

Jul 20, 2021
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This is a critical and terrifying moment for women and girls in Afghanistan. It is with despair that we witness the Taliban’s determined grab for power. We all know that women and girls will bear the brunt of their cruelty.

Welcome ASOGEN – Guatemalan Partner

Jun 23, 2021

I am writing to share the exciting news that Asociación Generando Equidad, Liderazgo y Oportunidades (ASOGEN) has joined us as a new frontline partner in Guatemala. ASOGEN generates and facilitates spaces of civic engagement, leadership, political analysis, defense and empowerment of women’s human rights.

A Simple Way to Help Women Effected by the Pandemic

Jun 4, 2021

In November 2020, in the midst of the Pandemic, many women in the communities of Chimaltenango were left without work

ASOGEN Gives the Youth of Guatemala a Voice

Jun 4, 2021

In November and December of 2017 and January of 2018, ASOGEN formed a workshop for a group of adolescents from the municipality of Nahualá, Sololá.

ASOGEN Survivor Story

Jun 1, 2021

SECC (pseudonym) is a teenage survivor of sexual violence. At the time she began her psychotherapeutic process she presented post-traumatic stress disorder, in addition to psychosomatic symptoms such as lack of appetite, sleep disturbance (hypersomnia, insomnia and nightmares) and frequent headaches.

COVID-19 Sexual Violence Crisis in Nepal

May 26, 2021

With the explosion of COVID-19 in India spreading across the border to Nepal, the Forum for Women, Law and Development (FWLD) is struggling to protect girls and women from sexual violence, which has become much more challenging in the current lockdown.

Honor Your Mother and Mothers Around the World

May 6, 2021

Every day we hear stories of the strength, ingenuity, and resilience of mothers all over the world. This Mother’s Day, we hope you will join us in celebrating mothers who have been holding everything together in a world struggling to survive the devastating impact of COVID-19.

Afghanistan shelter in crisis

Mar 31, 2021
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I am writing to ask you to urgently support our partner in Afghanistan, the Humanitarian Assistance For Women and Children of Afghanistan (HAWCA).

Support the Syrian Women’s Forum for Peace

Mar 18, 2021
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This week marks the 10th year anniversary of the Syrian uprising, one of the most brutal conflicts of the 21st century, of which we have daily witnessed horrifying accounts of the relentless destruction of homes, hospitals, schools, entire neighborhoods.