News & Stories
Anti-FGM Activist Agnes Pareyio makes history!
Today in celebration of FGM Zero Tolerance Day we wanted to highlight a true history-maker and trailblazer, Agnes Pareyio, founder of Tasaru Ntomonok Initiative whose tireless work has saved many young women from the horrors of female genital mutilation (FGM).
Woman, Life, Freedom
WOMAN, LIFE, FREEDOM, three words behind a revolution, three words to define the year. On 16 September, 22-year-old Mahsa Amini died in the custody of the Iranian morality police.
Fund the fight of our lives
As 2022 winds down we at Donor Direct Action take a moment to pause – inspired and in awe of the work of our indomitable frontline women’s rights partners from every region of the world!
An Evening with Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Dr. Denis Mukwege and V
Last month, on September 19th, Roosevelt House Public Policy Institute at Hunter College hosted an evening with Nobel Peace Prize Laureate and Medical Director of Panzi Hospital, Dr. Denis Mukwege and Tony Award-winning playwright, founder of V-Day, and One Billion Rising, V (formerly Eve Ensler).
Thoughts from Aminata on International Day of the Girl
From loss of education in Afghanistan to FGM in Sierra Leone and sex trafficking in Nepal today’s girls continue to face some of the worst forms of violence and discrimination. On this International Day of the Girl, let us remember that girls are leaders, revolutionaries, and change-makers.
Walk in Afghan Women’s Shoes
Our work with the Women’s Forum on Afghanistan reminds us everyday about our mission – to strengthen frontline women’s voices in the international arena.
Another girl dies from FGM in Sierra Leone
In February 2022 for International Day of Zero Tolerance for FGM we shared with you the story of 21-year-old Maseray Sei who bled to death in a Bondo Bush in Sierra Leone after her clitoris was cut.
Afghanistan: One Year Later
Today marks the one-year anniversary of the Taliban’s takeover of Afghanistan.
World Day Against Trafficking in Persons
In honor of World Day Against Trafficking in Persons, we want to take a moment to highlight the phenomenal work of Maiti Nepal, one of our Gloria Steinem Equality Fund to End Sex Trafficking grantees.
Thanks for making a difference – 2021 Annual Report
We are proud to share with you Donor Direct Action’s 2021 Annual Report. In this moment of global uncertainty may it serve as a look at all we have accomplished, a call to action and a beacon of hope illuminating the resilience and strength of our frontline women activists.
Emergency Relief for Earthquake Victims in Afghanistan
On June 22 Afghanistan was hit by its deadliest earthquake in decades. The devastation and destruction to the eastern region has been immense.
Finally, Justice for Solsiret Rodriquez
When feminist activist Solsiret Rodriguez disappeared six years ago, her parents knew she had been another victim of femicide.